Every so often, I make use of the 15 userpic spaces I have by deleting and getting new ones! So, yay! As
ich_faultier can attest, I scrapped my Glee one for reasons to which she has heard many times over again. And KELLY KAPOOR AS NEW DEFAULT AKA WHY IS MINDY KALING SO SMART AND PRETTY? Basically, I aspire to her level of awesome. And a Dollhouse bitchslap one which I am sure will get TONS OF MILEAGE. And I think my favorite one is the one from Better Off Ted, because hello, WHY SO APT TO MY LIFE/TV WATCHING?
In other news,
For reals. Let's talk about Annie. I don't know what's going on with her character, really. First off, SAUL WAS CRAZY, WTF. And Annie being assaulted was not cool. And I don't really know what purpose Hugh is supposed to serve. He kept giving me "Nice Guy" vibes and I mean "nice guy" in the not truly a nice guy way, but sort of passive-aggressive and creepy. And then their kiss just happened way too fast for me, and I was so glad he called her out on it, but then he had to ruin by saying "He'd wait," and I was all ANNIE WHAT IS GOING ON. And then the end scene with the door creeped me out and broke my heart all at once.
Mitchell and Carl! Mitchell is kind of creeping me out this ep. As is his love interest. That joke about killing the dead man who could be walking around was just creepy to me.
Nina leaving, I don't even know. I understand where she's coming from, and I'm so concerned for her welfare what with creepy religious dude all up in her bidniz.
George! George, George, George - he felt sort of back to normal this time around. I loved his little spiel about being the nice guy and giving other people that look and the one about sort of being jealous about who Mitchell used to live with. And then, upholstery cleaner, hee! Bringing Nina breakfast!
And OTP, he was trying to save her from Saul and the evil radio voices! I really wish the cut hadn't been so abrupt - the transition was so rough. I wanted him and Annie to sort of talk about what happened. And they were sort of back to being cutesy with the "I told you so" and stuff, though I was uncomfortable that it became a joke, because Annie was ASSAULTED, IT SHOULD NOT BE ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT SHE LISTENED TO YOUR DATING ADVICE, THANK YOU.
I don't know how I feel about this series. I feel like S1 was better, but maybe it's just that this series is ... darker. Not that I don't like dark, it just feels imbalanced. I don't know. We'll see.
In other news, I really adore One Republic. I do. And though I haven't listened to the whole album, their second album, I really adore the song Secrets. I wish there was a fanvid to it from a fandom I participate in, but it's really hard because the lyrics make fuck little sense. Seriously.
I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life is kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that'll like those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm going to give all my secrets away
Seriously. How does one interpret those lyrics? They're so DUMB. And if the song wasn't catchy, I would be like WTF OneRepublic. I blame the opening cello. I love cello.
In other news, I've somehow written a semi-epic B/R fic?
scullyseviltwin is probably tearing it to shreds as we speak as it sucks, but it's 11K which is an accomplishment in itself, for me, at least, since if I could marry any type of fic, I would probably marry the short one-shot.
And I need to do laundry. GUYS WHY DOES THE DOLLAR SUCK. Laundry here is £2.50, which is like $4 a load. I'M POOR, WORLD ECONOMY. PLEASE RECOGNIZE THIS.
And I blame all of you for making me want to use funny tags.