Jan 29, 2004 15:35
I hate to see a young girl who is ery much pretty down on herself 'bout her looks because of some incidents with guys. Yes us guys we are idiots most guys look staright at the body not really trying to get to know the person but still even after we get to know the person we focus on the looks why must guys be like this why can't guys like a girl for who she is becuase I believe my friend is a beautiful young lady who will make a guy so happy. She believes this not to be true she believes she must lose weight but i ask is she losing weight for herself or for the guys because if she is doing it strictly for the guys then she does it for the wrong reason. If ou are going to go lose weight do it for yourself not for anybody else. I say this because I love you keep ya head up. well guys I am out have a great day dont give up dont ever give up.