Mar 06, 2006 23:41
So, I'm still on administrative leave from work...I'll probably hear back from them tomorrow...which is a bummer, because then it's time to find a job...or is it? I'm the happiest I've been in a looooong time, meaning, I don't have to answer to moron management, I don't have to work with stressful employees, I pretty much do what I want - and still get paid. Not technically having a job has been amazing - I sleep in everyday, eat tons of food, maybe leave the house, play my drums, hmm...BUT - it's kinda boring, REALLY boring...can't seem to motivate myself to do much, but that's probably because I don't want to do anything! My computer crashed, so it's in the shop...I don't want to pay a ton of money to fix it, but if I move out - I NEED IT!
There's so many good concerts coming up, I can't even wait. I used to update after every concert, but nobody really ever read them - I think I'm a pretty decent show reporter, I use good phrases, and good alliteration! But hey, this journal is about me - so you all can go dingle your berries, I guess?
I just am tired of being lonely, and having so much passion in my heart to share with another human being. I have so much love that I want to give away, I really hope that it's soon, otherwise it might go to waste? I don't want to become the old, bitter guy that is grumpy and pissed off at life, talking about the "good ol' days", and how much of a stud he was. I want to live life NOW!!