Apr 19, 2005 21:14
Why is it that everytime I see anything that has to do or is associated with the USMC, I feel a sense of motivation and an urge to just get out there and kick major ass? I have been having these feelings for the longest time and now that i'm realizing it, I'm starting to wonder if the USAF is what I really want. I mean why would I have feelings of being left out or something when I see those shows about USMC training and everything. I was watching
"Earning the Title: United States Marine"
And I couldn't stop wishing I was there. I don't know if it was the intense atmosphere of it all or just the whole sense of accomplishment but, It made me want to be a Marine. For a while, While I was watching the show my mind was like, "Screw the Air Force, Go Marines!". And I was even thinking about how it would be if I did decid to join The Corps. But you see, It's not official but Air Force is what I chose. I even decided what job I wanted. Yes, WANTED. Security Forces. I do get pumped up about the Air Force when I think about it but it doesn't compare to how I get when I see all this Marines stuff. I will be the first Airman in my family. It does make me feel proud. But gosh, The first Marine. That will be crazy. I have a big family and they will all know me as being "The Marine". I do have ALOT to think about. I don't want to make a decision that I will regret later on. Well I guess that's it. Later.