Jan 18, 2005 02:29
Ive learned from my friends
I've learned that friendships require a degree of respect
I've learned the best way to handle confrontations is to pacify... to become a pacifist
I've learned this from two brothers
my brothers...
If one choses to be a pacisfist then must he pursue troubles...especially when the only thing he cares about is what takes care of his mortal flesh...he risks having his flesh cut...so he is not a pacisfist, he is nothing more then an instigator, a selfish, self gratifying instigator
The other choses to build relationships on respect...he see's the people he is around as numbers, certain numbers that change quidkly, as quickly as he decides them to. He shows no respect so he has no friends.
A place that I used to go to...to enjoy the company of these two...has been corroded by each others diffrences...the effects have made me feel that I am completely covered in rust.
I will no longer go there...
I have lost all respect for them... I hate
I hate the other numbers that thrive in this confusion
the reasons behind my hate I suppose are completely personal
But I hate the way I have learned how to think and handle this situation
I have lost all respect, so i have no friends
and now that I have no friends, Entering a conflict with them and the people that surround them seem pointless to me
So I will pacify...
Fuck you...Fuck you...god damn you to hell
I hope you die.
I hope that the two people I see responsible for this burn in the worst way possible
and I hope you know who you are when you read or hear of this...do not fuck with me anymore, ever again... or I will harm you.