Jun 22, 2010 18:07
I am already behind in this food meme thing. I'm going to try and be good, but don't be terribly surprised if I'm a little liberal with the term "day".
Day 02: Your Favorite Sweet Dish
I have a pretty big sweet-tooth. I feel like if I have access to any sort of cookie or brownie or ice cream, anything sweet really, I can't stop myself from snacking. Or, frequently, getting dessert. I think Joe Q Average could look at me and make a guess that I have poor willpower when it comes to food. So, yeah, I like desserts. But none spring immediately to mind when I think about what my favorite foods are. When I think favorite foods usually dishes covered in cheese spring to mind (another thing Mr. Average may be able to surmise) rather than sweet things.
So I'm trying to think of a dessert that gets me excited to eat it. And I think I'm going to have to give it up for crème brûlée. Maybe it's the mystique of the dish. I've never made it myself. And I know, I know, it's not difficult to make but in my mind it must be an ordeal. I make plans to go out and get crème brûlée. I will order crème brûlée for dessert when I would otherwise not bother ordering a dessert. Man, crème brûlée gets me excited!
It's been awhile. I could go for some sometime soon. Maybe I'll even tackle making my first, hopefully it won't ruin the dish for me.