this is side one

Nov 30, 2004 21:13

alright i guess this entry is me venting. Today was so shitty it was rediculous. First i get to school and get dressed for lifetime fitness and i get called down to vigue's office. he bitches at me for skipping 5-10 last tuesday but i knew it was going to happen so i didnt care. Then i go home for 2nd period and come back 3rd for guitar. guitar class sucked as usual.. it dragged on and on. Then civics was fine and then lunch. Around lets say 10th period vigue calls me down again and asks me why mrs gibson told him i smelled like smoke. of all people mrs gibson said that. oh god im so sick of her. i told him that friend was smoking a cigarette and i was in the car. then i went down to the autotech to get my car and i see that its all locked up and hes gone. So i had to get a ride from matt. Then i worked until 6 and once i got out i went to joeys and wanted to play my set. but hey guess what the electricity was out upstairs. Then i go out with mckeen and rollands. we go to the high school to check out my car... the fucking auto tech teacher left my keys in the ignition..?? what the fuck?? what kinda shit is that? you just dont leave someone elses keys in the ignition of their car. so i took my keys and left my car. Then i get home to find out my parents are yet again drug testing me on what day?? my birthday of all days. fuck that .....

i quit life

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