So yesterday I went to a breakfast event with a group of Freethinkers and debated the topic "Is science a religion?" My answer was obviously a big HELL NO! I saw an ex-cammie there names Hugh Henry. Ihadn't seen him in a couple of years, so it was fun to catch up with him. The service at the restaurant was decent too. The woman organizing the debate was kind of ... (thinking of PC ways to say bitchy) ... She was actually very friendly to me, but she was kind of rude to an elderly woman, whom I thought was actually very funny. The old lady did have a problem with waiting her turn to talk, but she never interrupted anyone, and to hear an old woman bitch about the fact that she can't order a beer before noon on a Sunday because of stupid christians struck me as DAMN FUNNY. CAYDOR, you should have been there. I would have invited you, but I got the e-mail invite at 9:15AM and the thing started at 9:30AM. I just jumped up and went. I was only 5 minutes late and it was halfway across town (San Pedro and Oblate).
Tonight, I am going to a singles meetup thing. I expect it to be dull, but the organizer sent me an email begging me to come because she has such a low turn out normally. She likely sent that e-mail to everyone... But I responded and said I would, and that I had to leave by 9:30PM to get to work on time. I will post how that went tomorrow most likely. Wednesday, there is an atheist dinner thing happening, and I will probably be going to that too. All the sudden, it is like I have a life and stuff... Very strange.