Mar 02, 2005 21:19
hey everybodyyyyyyyyyy.
havent updated this thing in like here goes:lol
alrighty well what ive ben doin in the last like billion years is...dun dun dun..... i made the flag football team! yeehaw. i was like mad psyched. theres only 6 freshman- me kasey robbins, sam robbins, melanie polin, julie geisler, and danielle boyle. so it should be cool. we run alot tho.. like umm..... skools good-lifes good- the waves suck. but what else is new? been surfing so much more lately and i think its makin me better. dan is tryin to get a contest goin over at jap rock but hes makin it on ESA days. dumm.... but w/e. he could get more ppl if it was a different day.but now i hear jap rock is like swarming with sharks and there is no way i am even going NEAR that water let alone surf in umm. keahi turned 18 yesterday so congrats to him! ive been doin shows and gettin more money and losing it just as fast cuz i have like an obsession with i have a new screenname : reefgirl519 and now im bored and tired. cuz of football and this GGAYYYYY thing called the frickin well call me i guess. luv ya babes!-keala