On the pacing of the game.

Apr 22, 2012 17:50

Okay, so. A few people have come to me with concerns about the pacing of the game -- specifically that the 1 IRL Day : 1 Game Day ratio of in game time to RL time is frustrating or unrealistic, since people don't always have the time to tag and therefore haven't even met the people they've been living next door to in the four months they've been here or haven't been able to keep up with their close CR. Christina, in fact, made a comment to this effect, bringing it to our attention. In the past, we felt handwaving the day-to-day stuff worked well enough, that it could be assumed that people wouldn't just ignore their close CR if it couldn't specifically tag them, but since it seems to becoming an issue, I'd like to get the group's opinion.

Now, before we get to an actual poll on the subject -- and there will be one -- I'd like to make a note. If and when we do slow it down, the activity check will be four threads with 5+ comments a month up from two. We figure that if you have more time to finish old threads with a slower game rate, you'll have time to interact more often. That is, after all, the main point in this debate -- people needing more time to get and interact with their CR.

That said, Should we keep the current 1:1 structure or should we slow it down to, as Christina suggested in an earlier comment, to something more like 2:1?


You may vote once. Multiple votes from the same player will be discounted. In the event of a tie, the mods' votes will take precedence. The poll will be open until April 30th, 2012 at 11:59pm EST.

Also, I'm disabling comments, because as much as I enjoy a good debate, I'd rather this didn't turn into an argument or people feeling like they need to vote one way or another just because their friends think a certain way. I want people to voice their opinions, not the opinions of others. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this poll or its results, you can take them up with me personally on IM (inaloadedroom), on Plurk (knightinqs) or in a PM.

And while we're here and regardless of the results of the poll, linking threads on the AC will now be mandatory regardless of what we end up doing, time wise. We said that handwaving the "Hi, how are you? Good? Okay, bye." day-to-day was alright; handwaving your character's entire activity in the game is not. The point of being in a game is to be active and move the story along, right?

... err, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

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