From The Monster Den by John Ciardi. Illustration by Edward Gorey, of course. Both copyright 1966.
The Lesson For Tonight
which is: When you do things, do them right.
Above all, try to be polite.
When you are at the table
And you need to kick your brother,
Be as sweet as you are able
To your Dad and Mother.
Thank them for the lovely food
In a pleasant voice, and --quick!--
While you're being very good,
That's the time to kick!
When your brother starts to cry
Always say--and do not grin
As you say it-- "My, oh my!
Did I bump your little shin?"
Dad and Mother, you will find,
Will say you did just right,
And tell your brother he should mind
His manners and be more polite.
Now what's the lesson for tonight?
Right! Don't let your badness show!
Above the table be polite.
Be yourself below.