gargleblasted❀ queenofheartsrp
november 2010
first post!bitchtears →
if anyone asks, just say noa_gentle_boy →
but don't you just leave the paper there and gopiealchemist →
it better be your birthday!palmtop_taiga →
i want this thing with the thingies on itbambooalliance →
but what's gege doing with my mailtimeto_smile →
aim for gold uwoooohscentofbauhinia →
maria ozawaaaaredscareandblue →
how do you get droned!! december 2010
moemoetentacles →
you can be like cure marinearmywithcountry →
how come he remembers? maybe i'm getting old...taegeuk →
what? you're not going to complain about the kimchi?reluctantnanny →
germany remembers too!!lotuslife →
jiejie don't do that it's like winnie the poohmiss_enma_ai →
what makes me laugh, huh...ohmytenth →
are you a stalker stalking is bad you knowvaimoksein →
mmmmmfailboatboss →
cake!!coolbowtie →
an alien who has a spaceship that can travel through time and save Christmaswise_king →
do demon hunters get days offpiealchemist →
timeskip!!politerudeness →
i'll be the best maid waitress persontoothlessfury →
mr. dragonnonconsplay →
cool......freakinblur →
maybe you'll learn to love it!redscareandblue →
don't ask for jets when you already owe me some!iinchoucat →
what an interesting name for a professorthief_of_truth →
wait--worrywarting →
lol hi what are you doingtaegeuk →
stop slacking offgenerose →
english snowmen look like thiscouldbeeeepthem →
creepy daughter ;A;palmtop_taiga →
but i wasn't getting any wrong ideas it's a breach of national securityscentofbauhinia →
another reason to punch himredscareandblue →
don't let him get to you!moemoetentacles →
i-ice shield...umbrellaclan →
don't sleep in closets!!armywithcountry →
stealing is against the law!!on_bass →
hello!!moemoetentacles →
powdery white stuff? liquidy white stuff? are they shaped like peanuts?politerudeness and
moemoetentacles →
christmas stuffgrand_theft_moe →
/throws rocks at ※ christmas event
scentofbauhinia →
in which taiwan is a sap. also hong kong is a jerk you can't be jay chou ;A;
january 2011
politerudeness →
bother botherredscareandblue →
oh no! not racecar!moemoetentacles →
do you want to go cram school? do you? HUH?souris_keteer →
when teacher sees you he goes crazyswornto →
they don't because they're stupidlotuslife →
i'll give jiejie a 100!! but hong kong will give her a 75
taegeuk →
mind-reading binocularsmoemoetentacles →
bad mr. postmanmoemoetentacles →
because he's a friend of the oceanimaginenumbers →
aiyo...lotuslife →
jiejie's boyfriend is an alien a day in the life of taiwantsundorapettan →
"master" ahahahamongrelangaems →
i didn't vote for you!iinchoucat →
you gotta be cool firstdulcisopheliac →
why are you being cute what's wrong with you
grannysaid →
hi!!!no_no_really →
earth ambassadorfascinationed →
japan told me not to talk to strangers thoughmoemoetentacles →
a training arc!?taegeuk →
owwwwcoolbowtie →
it tastes like dirt, right
no_bullying →
exwright →
oh it's just you...politerudeness →
kitty-kun!! ;u;aliensinyour →
it's short for republic of koreabambooalliance →
thatsnotaknife →
everyone's invited... everyone...
puffinparadise →
crash course yeahhhscentofbauhinia →
you're under arrest!peonymarket →
lmao teacher get outhasyourbeats →
don't be such a party pooperlowopinion →
meeting the family lmaoa_gentle_boy →
the days we spent togetherlotuslife →
hong baoooobeamiracle →
book monster chinese new year!! february 2011
sky_seventh &
imaginenumbers →
magictaegeuk →
happy new year! her first world meeting! so excite
specialtuna →
such an otaku, taiwantsuntiger →
angry taiga wroarrrpasodoble →
I'm not even sure if this is Earth anymore!peonymarket &
lotuslife →
kick him in the nuts!hittinghome →
aim for koshien!!pygmalion_perv →
(unsure)!politerudeness →
you get 2000 wishes!!tsunknuckles →
jessie!!fuckyeahsealand →
keep your voice down please!haematological →
we can ask mr. lee to direct it! they're staring because you're fat ※ valentine's event
ohmytenth →
yeah valentine's was shittyevers_hacker →
bad goatpeonymarket →
>:|thatsnotaknife →
if you play this song slowly, it can take you to the futuregenetical →
dulcisopheliac →
no she's going to kick his thingyfascinationed →
then throw it away!!scentofbauhinia →
give it back!!a_gentle_boy →
that's really prettytheseineone →
america is always an idiotlotuslife →
does your tummy feel weirdcoolbowtie →
okay you can fix it now!! ;u;doudemoe →
i'll ask japan!!politerudeness →
yes yes you believe in me who believes in youscentofbauhinia →
sparkles. march 2011
ohmytenth →
pick an age and stick with ittheseineone →
that always ends in a tragedy, doesn't it!?miss_enma_ai →
keep looking forward!coolbowtie →
don't blink ※ weeping angels plot
krakowiak →
it's a statuebogusmagicker →
westport? doudemoe →
don't open your eyes i'm not okay, but everything's alright! ※ angel!taiwan
coolbowtie →
don't feel that way ※ weeping angels plot end
politerudeness →
it can't be helpedhaematological →
but i let that fate happen to me sleepover!!semblance →
wah i'm so scaredpartytoastess →
wei!notsogreatwall →
wei!!aqueensacrifice →
my favorite flowertsunknuckles →
hold on tight okay ※ exit event
hittinghome →
i wonder if you can defend yourself ※ exit event
reluctantnanny → so inspiring...!
pygmalion_perv →
I'll have one of everything! ※ exit event
doudemoe →
the food isn't very good ※ exit event
politerudeness →
i think this is also good ※ exit event
don't go! or i'll get mad!beamiracle,
politerudeness, and
cruelmiracle, also
pygmalion_perv →
stray chess pieces ※ exit event (IT'S FINALLY FINISHED BY THE WAY)
scentofbauhinia and
dulcisopheliac →
go go go go ※ exit event
wingphones →
this town ain't big enough for the two of us ※ exit event
tsunknuckles →
really weird ※ exit event
scentofbauhinia →
let's hope it's not ※ exit event
coolbowtie → doctor he is an awful singer
fascinationed →
you're not a radioactive spider!dulcisopheliac → people will think you're weird
april 2011
sailor moon but betterim-the-cute-one →
cosplay-chancoolbowtie →
i don't really go herelotuslife →
;A; JIEJIEjoint post with
moemoetentacles →
ocean awareness!imoutosnake →
doraemonnnscentofbauhinia →
tsurimoe →
like my scooter!freakinblur → basebaaall
camealong → it means hello!
user → say the magic words
bullsit →
a looooot of couragea_gentle_boy →
stinkbugstrue_mage →
american dance party thingredscareandblue →
england's birthdaysting_like_a →
what do you get a princescentofbauhinia →
everyone likes hong kong (unsure)
013 → anti-scare tactics
is_an_island →
it's no wonder he has a crush on you i mean obviously
iheartcabbage →
adachiiii! may 2011
gauntlethades →
but but but are you okay...pseudoll →
but is he from taiwanheadedforhope →
"i love you, please forgive me"webfreedomftw →
things like this don't happen in dreamsseatcushion →
cows in space 014 → prom queen
jusenkyoed →
oh, you got stood up... poor bb...
myougi →
did you drink the milk!?heartserved →
collecting all the seacatsredscareandblue →
uncle sam got fattheseineone →
taiwan you're stretching itscentofbauhinia →
being hong kong is sufferingtaegeuk →
j-jihoo knows violinhittinghome →
you heard?tsunknuckles →
sparklesssbeamiracle →
she'll do anythingcoolbowtie →
partners in crime 015 → lies!!
bullsit →
be responsible!dulcisopheliac →
he's deadjune 2011
beamiracle →
herebrotherseyes →
herepoliterudeness →
heredoudemoe →
hereheadedforhope →
herewitchdenying →
hereimoutosnake →
here 016 → ferris wheel!!
canprotect →
hereim_the_cute_one →
herewelljustwatchme →
heremoemagica →
herenerdheir →
heretigersdragon →
heredulcisopheliac →
herepasodoble →
heresupersizedpower →
herescentofbauhinia →
hereevers_hacker →
hereexpiatrice →
herelostbody →
heredutying →
heretsuntiger →
hereChizuko Mikamo, Ukraine, Yin →
here ※ pool party
destinyfruit →
hereJapan, Mami Tomoe, Homura Akemi →
here ※ pool party
jusenkyoed →
herejuly 2011
fireandiceland →
hereemptyshrine →
here ※ july 4th
017 → july 4th droning
coolbowtie →
here ※ july 4th
partysense →
friendship contracta-gentle-boy →
hereohmytenth →
hereperfectvoice →
hereistoleatimelord →
hereruriair →
herethatsnotaknife →
here ※ speak up
gezellighe →
here ※ speak up
supersizedpower →
fatties ※ speak up
scentofbauhinia →
here ※ speak up
is-an-island →
schrödinger's penis ※ speak up
kinpika →
here ※ speak up
dojikkon →
here ※ speak up
politerudeness →
open the countryyy ※ speak up
partysense →
friends ;n; ※ speak up
dulcisopheliac →
here 018 → vampires and gumball machines...
sellchelles →
hereaugust 2011
019 → late qixi post
frogst →
incubaitor →
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\foretastes →
makemebreakfast →
she was so pretty and so coolfrogst →
teenage problemsdecadenzas →
sad babbiesbullsit →
there'll always be flowers wherever you go!guuruguuru →
hereseptember 2011
020 → summer lovin' event
021 → magical girl taiwan
foretastes →
herepasodoble →
hereskinprint →
herea_gentle_boy →
here 022 → japan's gone
gezellighe →
hereguuruguuru →
herespiraldoll →
herebullsit →
hereoctober 2011
welljustwatchme →
herecallinblueskies →
herecoolbowtie →
heremiss_enma_ai →
herewhiterusestra →
hereundying_heroism →
heresecretgod →
hereghostsnail →
heredecadenzas →
heregeassedmassacre →
herevaimoksein →
hereshowmeadream →
herepasodoble →
herethatsnotaknife →
hereherooflove →
herenetidol-chiu →
here 023 → podwan
user → here
user → here
log → tinywan adventures
→ here
→ here
→ here
000 → text