✿ permissions

Nov 24, 2030 00:14


backtagging: Always up for backtags, just poke me if you want to continue a thread.
threadhopping: Ask first!
fourthwalling: You may tell her, "You're a country!" but you can't tell her "You're a character from this webcomic I read about personified nations!"
offensive subjects (elaborate): no rape, etc. Also, I'm honestly more worried about how offensive I can get with this character due to the nature of her series. Because of the current political situation of Taiwan, I'd rather anyone who's looking for a debate on the topic to take it outside of RP. But if it ever comes up ICly... Tread lightly.


hugging this character: OK
kissing this character: OK
flirting with this character: OK
fighting with this character: OK
injuring this character (include limits and severity): Wounds and bruises are okay. If you want to break her limbs or anything more than that, ask first.
Killing this character: Death can't be avoided in Mayfield and I don't want her to die too often, so ask first.
using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: OK

warnings: bluh bluh hetalia character bluh bluh stereotypes, politics. just PM me if you don't want to get tags from her!

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