Title: Both Sides Now
Author: Shelli,
labellacaracolCharacters: Wilson, House/Wilson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,368
Prompt: 137. House can't sleep for a week. What does he do? For
hw_festSpoilers: Set during Finding Judas
Summary: The scent of peanut butter should be comforting, should remind him of childhood where there weren't any drug addicted doctors to be bothered about. It should comfort him, but it doesn't. There is a man with a problem, bigger than addiction and bigger than a scar laced across his thigh, and he is tied up with him. Irrevocably.
Notes: Third part in the We're Kings Over the Parkway Tonight series. So far, the last one. This one is centered on Wilson.
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2 His heart is racing with the motion of holding himself together as he stares at his hands.