Title: Spelled Milk Author: gena Rating: G Prompt: Viewing Wilson as her main obstacle to House, Cameron decides to remove said 'obstacle'. A/N: Probably should be called an AU, I guess.
Fics like this always freak me out a tad, because I can really imagine Cameron doing some creepy shit like that. I don't know why, but it just feels like that she would. And of course we know that it was true love that broke whatever spell Cameron wove around them.
Btw, the Washington/White House reference wasn't some inside info that G.W. Bush has cancer and has to leave office because of it, was it? XD (That was awful mean of me.)
Squee! (This was one of my prompts) Perfect. Totally twisted, and delicious and deviant. Just exactly how I invisioned it. I love the Wilson/Washington connection. That's very clever. Nice job *yaay*
Naughty, naughty Cam, playing with manipulative magick like that. Using love spells to force someone to love you doesn't create actual *love* but rather makes them mindlessly dependent on you.
Interesting having Wilson practicing witchcraft as well. Not sure if you're having him perform manipulative magick or just spellworking to enforce what they already have. Probably the latter, to chase off the remains of what Cam had started. :-)
Cool fic, definitely! :-)
PS: The way I practice the Craft, anyway, you don't blow out the candles, you snuff them out. Otherwise you blow away the magick. :-)
I wanted to leave the end a bit ambivalent - is he retying his love spell, is he doing something about Cameron (I shouldn't have said red candles). Oh, I guess snuffing out is better than blowing them out, isn't it. Sorry, I got my info from a book here at the library but didn't read further than what I thought I needed. But I'm glad you liked it!
OMG, I love this. Perfectly twristed, and the ending makes me wonder, Wilson didn't cast a spell on House, did he? I hope not, but just maybe... *shivers*
I wanted to break Cameron's neck so many times during the reading of this, you are truely talented!
The ending was suppose to be ambivalent, let everyone think what they want kind of thing. Cameron can be so persistent and I figured maybe a little reckless. Thanks for the compliment on my writing!
Comments 21
Fics like this always freak me out a tad, because I can really imagine Cameron doing some creepy shit like that. I don't know why, but it just feels like that she would. And of course we know that it was true love that broke whatever spell Cameron wove around them.
Btw, the Washington/White House reference wasn't some inside info that G.W. Bush has cancer and has to leave office because of it, was it? XD (That was awful mean of me.)
Interesting having Wilson practicing witchcraft as well. Not sure if you're having him perform manipulative magick or just spellworking to enforce what they already have. Probably the latter, to chase off the remains of what Cam had started. :-)
Cool fic, definitely! :-)
PS: The way I practice the Craft, anyway, you don't blow out the candles, you snuff them out. Otherwise you blow away the magick. :-)
I wanted to break Cameron's neck so many times during the reading of this, you are truely talented!
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