Hey, everyone!
This is just to remind you that we will begin posting gifts tonight. A bit of info about posting:
1. I'll be posting two gifts per day, except for Fridays and Saturdays. The weekends will give everyone to catch up on everything they've missed!
2. I'll usually post in the evenings (EST), unless I've got conflicting plans and need to post earlier.
3. Gifts will be posted roughly in the order in which gifts were received. They'll be mixed up a bit for variety of medium, length, rating, and genre.
Also, I don't have many rules for readers and viewers, except to ask you all to please be kind and respectful when you leave comments. Flames and rude comments will not be tolerated. Keep in mind that these pieces of art and fic were created as gifts, and a lot of time and effort went into creating them. Some fic and art might not be suited to your tastes, so please read the warnings and summaries before you click. Also keep in mind that this is an anonymous exchange, and authors and artists cannot reply to comments while the gifts are anonymous.
And, perhaps most importantly, please thank your artist/writer for the gift they created for you!
The first two gifts will go up in about an hour. We've got a lot of great fic and art on the way, so keep watching this comm!