I've been thinking about spirituality, and I've been considering the possibility that quantum mechanics can explain how things work. Dan Simmons described the soul in terms of quantum phenomena, and it got me thinking.
Given that we're at our infancy in understanding that particular branch of science, I'd say we may never know in our lifetimes if my guess is true. Well, maybe I will if I change state or something ;)
Ordinarily I don't combine the oil and water of science and spirituality, but maybe there is a chance that they are two sides of the same coin.
Then again, maybe I'm just yelling "quantum!" whenever I can't explain something.
I went to a lecture once where the speaker was proposing a both/and approach to things we normally categorize as either/or. I don't remember the specifics, but I left thinking that there is a way to understand things as both science and spirituality. Through that philosophy, and while I probably tend toward agnostic, I have pretty strong scientific pantheists leanings, which basically means the universe is divine--and thus all that exist within it--though not necessarily all-knowing. My point being that the fact there's a universe and that we exist in it is fucking amazing. But I'm also amazed that someone somewhere actually figured out how to make bread, which brought forth the concept of not only a recipe, but the understanding we could mix all these solids, make them in a liquid, then heat them up to make a completely different solid that was tasty
( ... )
Yeah, just some warning. Simmons is very, very, long winded. He's got some cool concepts, but his books take a long time to plow through. I recommend starting with Hyperion and moving on to Endymion.
Basically, if Simmons had an editor, he'd be my favorite Sci-Fi author of all time.
Added Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion to my Audible queue. Didn't see Endymion there, but perhaps it will be eventually. This led me to add other best of sci fi books with Dan Simmons, that also had another author I like. I love the Internet.
Given that we're at our infancy in understanding that particular branch of science, I'd say we may never know in our lifetimes if my guess is true. Well, maybe I will if I change state or something ;)
Ordinarily I don't combine the oil and water of science and spirituality, but maybe there is a chance that they are two sides of the same coin.
Then again, maybe I'm just yelling "quantum!" whenever I can't explain something.
Basically, if Simmons had an editor, he'd be my favorite Sci-Fi author of all time.
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