Nov 19, 2007 13:26
So along with having a really great time at Youmacon, I also got to meet someone really wonderful, Johnson, who within a short amount of time has made me so happy and has really motivated to change my life for the better. I haven't talked this much or this long on the phone since high school. Nor have I been able to be so completely honest to the point where I can say we can literally talk about anything without any worries or nervousness or awkwardness or anything. Sure there are some complications, like a three hour distance for one, but I really think we're going to be able to overcome all that and be really truly happy. A lot of you will be meeting him this week: he'll be at Thanksgiving dinner with my family, he'll be at City Club with me on Friday, he'll be at the annual Thanksgiving LHN get-together on Saturday, and he'll also be at work with me Saturday and Sunday. Ant this time around, I won't be showing him around to my friends, looking for assurance that he's a good choice for me; I all ready know that. I just want you all to meet him and see what a genuinely kind person he is, and how happy he's made me in such a short time.
happy panda