i gotta stay fly y y y y y y.

Dec 14, 2005 03:46

i went to church with anthony yesterday, it was pleasent. so it was this special ode to guadulupe or something and they had a special mass and food at the end. we're sitting at one of the tables eating our tamales and this older mexican guy in a wheel chair gets sat next to me. we get to talking and i guess he's the new owner of the diamondbacks. it was his party i guess, by that i mean he was funding and catering it. i told him i wanted to go be a doctor or something and that i didn't know if i could make it. I guess he grew up in chicago and delivered financial papers for this bank and ended up rising so high in the company that he eventually became a partner/owner of it. cool ass dude, he kept giving me his tamales too.

life's been pretty g lately. finals suck but it's all dandy. hahah, i got a 57 on my o-chem final, i thought i did well, guess not, maintained my grade tho. i saw someone riding their bike on the highway the other day, hahah.

back to studying. gotta keep it trill.
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