I got this message on youtube:
Well I watched a few of your videos and remember writing to you about God and you basically blew me off and called me crazy. You even mocked Genesis and how the universe was created in 6 days. Well recently I came across some scientific talk relating to time dilation and the big bang theory. Basically it states that if you include the time dilation formula into the equation from the big bang to the location of earth time will dilate at such a speed that 6 days there is actually equal to basically the point of Genesis 10,000 years go or "now"...
The bible states many times that we don't even understand that what we consider to be entire life times is nothing more than a blink of an eye to God. Its kind of ironic that people are finally just now figuring out the science behind this.
So ya... in 6 days God created the heavens the earth and the entire universe. Science proved it...
P.S - I watched ur vid on WW3 and u shouldn't say stuff like Christians believe there's a war to "glorify" God. It was actually a beastly nation that would own the world market and an ominous military then mark everyone in their hand and if you don't accept it basically cut you off, no food no water no electricity no nothing. That's basically when God comes back to intervene. Now the whole thing is longer than and includes the rising of this nation and so forth. I haven't read revelations in a long time now so I've forgotten much of it but that's the complete basic.
P.S.S - even in our infancy we're able to send signals around our galaxy, mars and the moon for example... but you think its impossible for God to part a sea? Give it time and even humans will be able to do that easily.
And I responded
You see, I blew you off because you ARE crazy. You said you came across some "scientific talk" about time dilation. First of all, you didn't link to a source. Secondly, you didn't even explain your point beyond nonsensical dogma to prop up your delusional world-view. Finally, you're referring to a two-thousand year old bronze age book written by desert dwelling homophobes who believed in talking snakes.
You offered literally no proof that the Genesis account is real except for saying, "I heard some people say it's real."
I want you to answer these questions:
1) Explain what radiocarbon dating is and how it works.
2) Explain what the big bang is and the foremost theory on what it is and how it happened.
3) Explain where dinosaurs fit into your bullshit 10,000 year old Universe.
4) Explain how we find human remains that are in many cases seven times as old as your proposed age of the universe.
You are wrong about your ideas because you lack an understanding of science. Let's talk about something simple that will hopefully enlighten your scientific mind. One light year is the distance that one photon of light travels over a year. As Einstein proved, the speed of light is constant and cannot be made to go any faster than its limit (it's like the universal limit for speed). Because of this, as we look deeper into space over longer distances, we are looking at older and older images. We can literally peer back into space so that we can get images of the universe from billions of years ago.
Check it out:
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070710-first-stars.html So you sit here and tell me that the Universe is 10,000 years old and I, in ten minutes of my own time, as no student of science or any scientific field, just demonstrated that your position is entirely wrong using a simple method. What is your explanation for why the theory of the age of the universe exactly matches our observed evidence?
There is no suggestion that any form of life was designed - human beings share 99.9% of their DNA with chimpanzees, humans share the universal pentadactyl limb which exists in everything from whales, to bats, cats, and down to humans. Human remains exist from very early nomadic tribes. Cave paintings from tens of thousands of years ago exist in locations like Peche-Merle.
Do you realize that the myths of the Bible exist in other cultures in various other forms? The virgin birth myth has existed since the beginning of human civilization and makes appearances in Greek, Egyptian, Zoroastrian, and Pagan religions. Do you realize that to fit every single creature on Noah's Ark, you'd have to fit about 100,000 species per square inch, not including food? Do you realize that the Bible mentions unicorns and giants as if they actually existed? Do you realize that the Bible differentiates between the Sun and the Stars, as if God didn't know that they're the same thing? Do you realize that God created plants before he created the Sun in Genesis? Do you realize that we can trace the fossil record of human beings back to Africa, which is undeniable proof of the evolutionary theory of human beings.
Stop reading the Bible. It's an ancient book that was useful for its time period but it's nothing more than a fairy tale in the modern age. You deny science its credit for the universe yet you take advantage of its fruits each and every day - cars, telephones, electricity, airplanes, medicine, foods (pasteurization), etc. Chances are, science has saved your life hundreds of times from being poisoned, being killed by a simple infection, or dying in a car wreck. These things work because that's the scientific method.
Ask yourself this question: why is it that no matter how hard a Christian prays to their God, He will never regrow the limb of an amputee? God says in the Bible that if you ask for anything in prayer he will give it to you, but never in the history of humankind has a person regrown a limb. Why is that?
I'm sorry, but if you believe the Bible to be true, you're an extremely gullible and scientifically ignorant person. If you can't find the logical fallacies in the Bible's version of the truth, you are not reading it hard enough.
The Bible is wrong. It was written thousands of years ago by people who had no understanding of the scientific reality that comprises our universe. This is a truth that we need to own up to in the modern era - for hundreds of years we've found a spectrum of evidence that has given us reason to at least doubt God's existence. With science progressing at an unfathomably quicker pace in these days, I am 100% sure we will never find a single shred of evidence that gives any credit to the Judeo-Christian God.