Have you read
part 1?
Previously, on part 1, everyone was kind of normal and peaceful for a while. Dorian became a toddler, then a child, and Winston became a teen. Atticus continued to try to woo Maxine, and Winston developed affections for the former babysitter, Shelby. Hal aged up to an adult, and that was the end.
Eliot interacts with all of her children, but she’s got a clear favorite. She and Winston are maxed-out best friends, and have been since he was a toddler, I’m pretty sure.
Atticus: Best friends with Mother? How undignified.
I think he’s jealous.
It’s easy to see why Eliot talks to Winston so much: he’s a little suck-up.
Winston: You’re just so smart, Mom. It’s crazy. I know Atticus and Dorian are geniuses too, but it’s really only because of your genetic contribution.
Atticus: I’m the firstborn. I’m a genius. I’ve tried to help this family. But no, Winston is the favorite.
Atticus: And what has Winston done? Nothing. But no, he’s “well-adjusted.” He’s “normal.” I’m so angry I could-
Atticus: No. I can’t lose my composure. I’ll just have to distract myself.
Atticus: Thank you for coming over. I just get so frustrated sometimes. My family just doesn’t appreciate me. No one does! I have to keep my dignity. I can’t just take my anger out on them. I just keep it inside and it drives me crazy.
Maxine: You can’t just let your feelings build up on you like that. At some point you’re going to have to say, “Hey, I’m angry, and here’s why.” You have to be assertive. Or you can just let it go.
Atticus: That… kind of makes sense. Thank you.
Maxine: And I don’t know what you’re talking about. “No one appreciates you?” I do.
Atticus: Thanks, Maxine. That means a lot.
Meanwhile, I got the notification that Eliot and Hal both had “Eternally Faithful” reputations. Which is cute.
… Really, Hal? The toilet is right there.
Winston and Atticus are getting along alright for now.
Everyone’s moods had been so bad all day that I forgot about Eliot’s birthday completely.
~adult makeover~
She’s still got it.
Maxine has a habit of showing up of her own accord. I also invested in a larger table so everyone can eat as a family.
Time for Dorian to become a teenager! Maybe now I won’t forget he exists.
dat legacy hair
Presenting: teen Dorian. He rolled Artistic.
I was worried he would be a clone of Atticus, so here’s a side-by-side with Dorian in Atticus’ hair and glasses. Dorian’s on the left. He basically looks exactly the same, but with Hal’s eye shape and color and maybe skintone. So he’s basically a red-headed Hal clone. Sigh. This family has no genetic diversity.
Atticus, do you have to be insane at your brother’s birthday party? (Yes.)
I probably shouldn’t have put the new computer in Dorian’s room. He gets woken up by family members who decide to play computer games instead of sleeping.
Dorian: Stupid lousy family. Stupid lousy light sleeper trait.
Your house is flooding and you’re late for school. How does this make you feel?
Dorian: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are awesome.
Atticus: You know, you’re the only person who’s ever really gone out of your way to spend time with me.
(I promise this is a completely separate occasion from earlier, they just… like standing in front of the mailbox.)
Maxine: And there’s no one I’d rather spend time with.
Maxine: I was wondering when you were gonna do that.
Atticus: So did you know that I kissed a girl? And you did not?
Winston: Either the world has gone mad, or that girl has low standards.
Another birthday!
Atticus: The sparkles… they burn.
THE MULLET. IT’S BACK. Sorry, Atticus, I’m with Shelby on this one.
Better. He basically looks the same, no surprises here. Here, I’ve done a pretty little picture with his newly-rolled trait and LTW.
Atticus decides to join the work force right away, and joins the science career.
Later, he invites Maxine over, and it turns out she’s recently had a birthday too.
Atticus: You look wonderful.
They do a lot of this.
Hal: You know, Eli, I don’t tell you enough how beautiful you are.
Hal: And I want you to know that I love you. I don't say that enough either.
Eliot: I love you too. And you’ve been so amazing all these years. Seeing Atticus become a young man, it just got me thinking. And I need to ask you this, one more time.
Eliot: Marry me?
Hal: I’d be honored.
Hal and Eliot exchange rings quietly outside.
Winston: … and then Atticus was like, “This family has no class, blah blah, dignity, blah,” and Dad was like-
The Rosewaters: doing things in inappropriate places since 2011.
Shelby: Would you still like me if I looked like this?
Winston: I don’t know. Would you still like me if I looked like this?
Shelby: You’re hilarious. I should have hung out with you earlier.
Jesus, can’t you people see they’re having a moment?
Winston: You know, you’re probably the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.
Dorian: You know, Atticus, sometimes I wish Mom and Dad would see me as more than a younger version of you. I know we look alike, and we’re both pretty smart, but… I don’t know. They’re always telling people, “Hey, Dorian’s a genius, Dorian’s gonna make a brilliant surgeon or something one day.”
Dorian: But maybe I don’t want to do that! And maybe I don’t want to be a scientist either. Maybe I want to paint or something. But they don’t care. They don’t pay attention. Why doesn’t anyone realize that I’m my own person?
Atticus: Well, brother, it would be undignified of me to tell you how to live your life. Maybe you just need to do some soul-searching, figure yourself out.
Dorian: Figure myself out, huh? How am I supposed to do that?
I wish I could stop posting these so fast, but I really can't resist because... well, I'm gonna be honest here, I've actually got the whole next update written up, and it's the last one for this generation. So I'm kind of just waiting to get that out of the way so I can do an heir poll and play more. I promise I'll try to pace myself better.