rosewater legacy 4.3

Nov 26, 2011 11:28

Greetings 'n salutations. I managed to wake up way too early today, so I get to post an update way earlier than I thought!

Last time: The twins were twinny and slightly horrifying, and refused to hang out with other people. Jonas grew up and became a loser.  Henry and Lucia were adorable, and I forced Jonas to go to a club and stop being so lame. He continued to be lame.

Lucia's still the household repairman, which is useful - we don't have to pay to get things fixed!

Crazy amounts of inventing skill aside, she still can't manage not to injure herself, but you know. Whatever.

Finally bought Henry a guitar. I think it fits him. Okay, it seems very unlikely he's going to max his skills on all the instruments - poor guy, I really suck at maxing skills - but we're going to give it our best shot. Eh, Henry?


Henry: What is that awful smell?
That'd be you.

I tried to give the twins a party, really! The game wouldn't let them blow out their candles though. Sigh.

Sooo cooooool. Harrison rolled Flirty.

Excuse me Jonas, I doubt that's the best place to do your homework.

Anyway. Cecily rolled Savvy Sculptor. Being an artsy workaholic, I figured she'd want a haircut that'd be easy to deal with, albeit with a cute artsy dye job. (I changed her hair later but whatever)

I bought this table for the party that didn't happen. Fine, Lucia, you can blow it up.

Lucia: This is going to be awesome.

Okay, so this is my favorite progression of pictures in forever. (Accidentally uploaded the unedited ones, sorry it's so dark.)

Insert "Sunglasses at Night" joke here.

Bus driver, you are getting judged hard.

This is where I changed her haircut. Pretend it grew out or something.

Lucia: Something is wrong here…

See, that's a logical reaction.

Don't give me that face, I see your fun bar going up.


Jonas: Why do you drag me to these places?
I don't know. So you'll be less lame.

Yes, bartender, underage drinking is very exciting.

Jonas: Well, there are no girls here. Are you happy?

Jonas: To my eternal virginity.

Cop: When do I get to apprehend real bad guys?
Luckily (?) my game crashed so none of that actually happened, and Jonas didn't have to deal with a (certainly hilarious) fatherly lecture.

I sent him to the pool instead.
Jonas: I think I'm just gonna… hang out by the ladder here…
You are so lame. (I love you.)

Cecily: I hope nobody saw me almost knock over all the priceless masterpieces!
I saw, Cecily. I saw.

Sweet hair.

Harrison saw a protest going on and decided to join it.

He certainly is full of righteous anger.


Okay, so this is the next day. My time skips are awkward. I decided to exploit Harrison for child labor.

He caught a butterfly and looked very happy about it.

Nothing says breakfast like unidentified meat tubes.

Henry, must you put your piano in awkward places all the time? You're blocking the door.

I don't know what's worse. The fact that my teens continue to partake in underage drinking, or the fact that they do it very, very alone?

I gave this bartender a makeover because I was bored. I think his name is Tam. That's definitely a name and everything.

Harrison: Your eyes *hic* they're… awesome.

Bartender Tam: Is this teenager hitting on me?
It's a distinct possibility. I think he might flirt with anything that moves.

Harrison: Gimme one more drink, I'll get 'im.

That's the best way to impress too-old-for-you bartenders.

Lucia's still fab. This is definitely still happening.

Cecily: Every time I wake up, I am more disappointed that there are other people in the world.
The angst is strong with this one.

I had a joke, but I forgot it. All I can say is, if you haven't figured out how to eat toast without dying yet, I don't know what to tell you.

Your twin's stuck in the table, and all you can think about is yourself? Tsk, tsk.
Also I wasn't going to point out the fact that it looks like Jonas is checking Cecily out, but I've already started typing this sentence, so there you go.

The Rosewaters went to the park for a family outing, where Harrison proceeded to make hot dogs, burn them, and complain about being hungry. There's really nothing else I can do for you, buddy.

One of my teens ACTUALLY APPEARED. Which was nice. They have been very elusive. This is Moira.

Henry tried to make some tip money playing piano, but he brought in, like, 20 simoleons. Step up your game, Henry.

Moira: Jonas Rosewater? Aren't you the guy that falls down the stairs every day?

Jonas: I am not that person.

He seems pretty interested in whatever she's talking about, and she seems willing to talk to him, so I'm just going to chalk that up as a good sign.

While her family was in the park, Cecily ate cereal in the gym. That… that's pretty logical, I think.

Making silly faces is the number one sign of a brilliant future together, y/y?

I wouldn't let your fifteen year old daughter pay your bills if I were y'all, but what do I know?

Jonas: Yes, I work out all the time. I'm like crazy buff. […] Well, you can't tell through my shirt!

Harrison: Can't she see I'm doing homework here?
Well, to be fair, you're in her room.

Op, it's birthday time!

Henry: My beautiful countenance will not withstand middle age!

Here, have some manly facial hair.

I feel you, Harrison.

Where is your brother?
Horror Movie Twins: What brother?

Lucia figured out how to make the miner! This was very excellent because fucking NOBODY in this family has a job (Henry's got a part time one, but that doesn’t do much) and they are broke as hell. Lucia keeps mining up gems and such. It's nice.

Also, the faces are adorable.

Then Jonas decided to have a birthday while Henry provided the music, I guess.

This random chick seems very excited. Cecily is not pleased with the celebrations. Can we get a closeup of that face?

Ah, yes.

The hair… it's back.

But seriously though. Everything went better than expected, holy shit. Also, for maximum lols, he rolled kleptomaniac, and decided he wanted to be a master thief. Which is pretty hilarious. In the comments of the last update, I told jossoco how hilarious it would be if he ended up a criminal, and lo and behold. Good luck with that, Mr. Loser.

Shit, let's be criminals.

Henry sees what you did there.

Not to be outdone in the fantastic-facial-expressions department, Lucia promptly forgot what she was doing and acted adorable.

Well, okay, this is pretty shameless.

Look at this fucking rock. This is 3000 simoleons worth of space rock. Thank you, Lucia, I love you the most.

Hilariously, Moira aged up the same night as Jonas and ended up being his boss. Thanks for that, story progression. You make my life so much easier, even if that makes no sense whatsoever.

Another one of my teens appeared! Fantastic. These kids might yet have a chance.

Apparently, she's a fan of muscles.

Well, flirting with your boss is one way to get a promotion.

I now present to you: a moment in the really stupid life of Harrison Rosewater.
Here he is, sleeping peacefully. Actually asleep!

Now he's getting out of bed…

To pass out in the hallway. WHAT.

Good to see Lucia doesn't have a problem with Henry's hilarious facial hair.

Cecily invited over a friend from school, Arya, who ended up being a Young Adult by this point, lol oops.

Cecily: I was not expecting you to be so much taller. This is awkward.

Cecily: Well, still… I had something I wanted to tell you!

Arya: I know what you're going to say, and maybe you shouldn't. You're great, Cecily, really, but I don't think this would work out at all.

Cecily: Come on, Arya. I'm not asking you to marry me or anything - let's just hang out, okay? See what happens?

Cecily: I liked you so much in high school. I just think we should give it a shot. And you're just so pretty and awesome and-
Arya: You're adorable.

Arya: You know what? I need a break from my family, so yeah. Let's hang out.

Okay, that's it! I decided to go ahead and do the heir poll since it will be a while before I get to play again. Go vote!

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