Mar 31, 2006 21:42
Lets see what type of information all you people might be intreseted in...
I went to PetsMart the other day, and I was planning on buying another hermit crab. Well, my mom and I are just looking at the tank, but only one crab was moving around. So we ask the guy to take some of them out so we can find a happy, lively crab. So he finds some shells with crabs in them, and moves them up toward the front to the tank. As he is reaching in the back for more, one of the crabs starts to come out of his shell. My mom says "Hey Mel, how about that one?" I agree, and the guy takes the crab out and we all walk to the counter in the fish section. He starts getting the bag ready for the crab and askes me if I'll hold the crab for a minute. I take the crab, and am fairly happy as Mr. Crab is walking on my hands.
Then all the sudden...I'm like: dammit. Mr. Crab pinches me. Hard. And won't let go. I just keep saying ouch over and over again, and the Petsmart guy just looks at me, and my hand, and Mr. Crab. Meanwhile I'm starting to cry, not because I'm upset, but because it hurts like a bastard, and tears are just an natural occurance in pain. Normally, if a hermie pinches you, you are supposta run them under water, and they'll let go. Well, we're in the middle of Petsmart, and there are no sinks or faucets nearby. I tell the Petsmart guy to go get a spray bottle, hoping that the water will help the crab ease up on my palm. It doesn't work. The guy just stands there spraying my hand, all while apologizing, and going on about how weird this is. I tell my mom what you are really suppose to do in case of a pinch, and my mom, being the wonderful, innovative girl scout leader she is, tells me to stick my hand in a fish tank. I trot over, dip my hand in, and Mr. Crab lets go. Petsmart guy reaches in the water, takes out Mr. Crab, and puts him back in his own tank with the other crabs. The guy apologizes, and my mom and I leave the store without a crab.
That was last Monday and the pinch-mark on my left palm is still there. That night it was all swollen and it hurt a lot. But I took a painkiller, slapped on some ice, and here I am, living to tell the tale. The good news is that Mr. Crab didn't break the skin, and it hasn't gotten infected so far :)
The morning after, my mom says it was a good thing the fish tank didn't have piranas in it. My spanish teacher, and my friend Carly's mom, Mrs. Reed, said the same thing. ^^()
In other news, I got Howl's Moving Castle and Whisper of the Heart on DVD for Easter. I was in Costco drooling and my mom offered to buy me those instead of Easter candy. Since I never eat the candy anyway, I figured Yay!
I ended up paying for the third and final payment for my band trip all by fundraising. The way I figure, I sold about 500 candy bars to pay for the third payment, and a little over half of the second.
My new goal? To start raising money for next year. After all, they aren't going to let us sell candy during school because people are fat.
I sold Sarah a fish tank today. ^^
Brett might get kicked out of Jazz Band because he went to the Varsity Dinner, but didn't tell anyone.
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody comes out really soon!!! OMG YAY!!!!
I'll probably talk more later....