This is the Sysytem I play and its awesome... No really

Jul 12, 2010 08:01

Three Kingdoms Live Roleplay

Classic high fantasy live roleplay in the breathtaking Stockwood Iron Age Village.

Pre-booked Player Ticket: £30
Gate booked Player Ticket: £35
Monster Ticket: Free
Catering Option: £20 (approximately, payable on day)

Information & Booking

Rule System
TK_Rules_Dead_Mans_Hand_expansion.pdfEvent Facebook Group!/event.php?eid=137041656320814

Three Kingdoms Forum

The Story So Far...
In just 12 short months, a new power seems to have arisen in the sleepy South-Eastern counties of Ashera. The strangely youthful necromancer, Shanrel son of Velanor, has been raising ever larger armies of undead to plague the living. He has gained two of the infamous Books of Necromancy and now desperately hunts for the third and final one.

Lord Harlan, a nobleman from the area, is hiring adventurers from every land to find the third book, and prevent Shanrel's ascendancy to power. He seems to have an interest in stopping Shanrel, and as the Lord who hanged Shanrel’s father, perhaps he feels a responsibility for this rampage of destruction and evil. Whatever the reason, he is throwing his considerable resources into the fight to track down and stop Shanrel.

With his Army of Death now including the revenant bodies of criminals hung by Lord Harlan, Shanrel is becoming a threat to the entire Three Kingdoms, not just one small part of Ashera. He needs to be stopped somehow, but he seems able to move with incredible speed.

Half-garbled rumours and brief sightings say that Shanrel is now heading North into Tarack, probably seeking the third Book, and it looks like a race to the prize everyone is seeking so urgently. But who will win that race, and what price are they willing to pay?
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