Sitting in a basment of a cottage that our landlord decided to extend underneath and rent out. Its in the centre of bowness on windermere. And although it's not got the beautiful views and stuff it's a lovely one floored place to be our base of exploration.
When staying in the tent as we usually do on hols we end up being in the middle of nowhere. This time we can walk to a pub or anything we want!! We always seem to be coming back to bowness for foods!!
So we have driven the pass that made alan turn round Years ago and had a picnic there. We have seen all Beatrix potter stuff here. And to be honest it's not really worth it but I've seen an ober doll house I want when I grow up!! It's cool though that the house next door to hill top that she built to house a farmer so she got hill top as a cottage is still inhabbited by a farmer and his family. It's amazing what one rich woman did for this place. In fact she probably kepted the lake district beautiful by doing what she did. Just by buying up the land.
Wray castle has plans in place to be turned into a hotel how awesome will that be!!
We have done so much together it's nice. Although alan is loving the roads!!!
Today is go on a steam train day tomorrow
Is explore the lakes and then Saturday we come home.
Ohh seen robin hood historic movie my arse but a good movie so glad I stayed away from reviews and any other ohh this is what u can see about it sites!
Rewatched the whole of the lord if the rings and rewatching the extras. Haven't seen them since the DVDs were bought!
It's still strange to me that over the times those films were released I was seeing different people and I saw the movies with those different people.
Two towers was still in the cinema when I met alan as well!! But by the time the last one was released we were living together.
But re Reading the black magician triology by trudi canavan. And as I can't wait to find out what's happening next I will leave you lj peeps In peace.
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