(no subject)

Mar 07, 2004 23:08

I haven't posted in a week. I don't remember most of this last week. I know I worked alot. I took some quizzes and a test. Classes are mostly going well. Calculus is like a breeze. I did skip class for the first time this semester last week. I missed a big day too... calc, poly sci, and biology. OH well... Did I mention that I have worked alot? I was able to change my schedule at CC's. So now I will work from 3 to 10 everyday. I think this will be better than working from whatever time during the day untill 11:30 or 12 every night. I'll still get 37.5 hrs a week. I was able to go on monday and look at apartments, but I can't put money down yet so there isn't much I can do but look.

54 days....
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