Getting glasses!
I was always glad I never needed glasses before, but my eyes were slowly getting worse. It was getting hard to see in the distance, and it turned out, yes, I needed them. Now I'm really glad I have them. Not only can I see better, but I also look smarter when I wear them! :D
The best thing is that I don't get headaches from watching TV like I used to. I didn't know that was the reason! I remember the first time I watched TV after getting my glasses. I tuned in to the ending of "I, Spy" and I was shocked how sharp the image quality was!
You sort of expect, in an order TV show, that things will be a little fuzzy. But it was pretty non-fuzzy with my glasses. I remember sitting there watching the ending credits, just gaping at how sharp they were. Then I'd take my glasses off, and the fuzziness was back. Put them back on, and it was like High Definition TV!
It's a silly thing to remember, I guess, but it was very cool for me. I never knew I'd actually LIKE getting glasses!