So, I'm still sick. I'm not really feeling quite up to writing at the moment so I'm filling my time (clearly) with lots of internet-related stuff (like YouTube and posting here!), and watching TV. I'm nearly through season one of Sentinel...and last night I finished watching Hot Fuzz.
I watched it because A) It was supposed to have Bromance in it, according to something I read online, and B) Jeremy Clarkson said it was a great movie.
That last should've warned me away, I think....
Anyway, I didn't like it overall. There were bits I did like, and I thought I was going to love it after watching the beginning, but...yeah.
Spoilers below cut.
I felt like they switched genres part way through, from mystery in a small town, sort of like Midsomer Murders, into a horror/shooting movie sort of thing, where instead of a single killer wrecking havoc in a sleepy town and needing to be caught, it was THE WHOLE TOWN that was evil and apparently we needed to see gratuitous and extremely long shootouts in the streets.
It just left a bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention the gory murders...I covered my eyes a lot, LOL!
Anyway, I actually did like the bromance pretty well, but I did NOT care for the movie overall and feel like an idiot for watching it in the first place!