Apr 19, 2005 04:22
These next two weeks will be very tumultuous and strenuous (countdown to Final Review for Design). We had an awesome tripod event with shaving cream and Hall Paul's birthday (I'll explain more later). Wednesday they are showing the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie outside on a big screen so I am definitely down for that. I hope the people in our hall next year are as cool as the tripod....well, very few things are cooler than the tripod. Tripod= Brian, Me, (Matt, Cisco (Suitemates)), (Paul, Trey (room across from Matt and Cisco)).
Oh and be warned. Cisco got caught for sharing Meet the Fockers with Kazaa. Universal contacted the school so he'll have to go talk with them. Be warned.
"he feel it, she feel it, we feel it, go round and round we go"