So, one of the many intellectual conversations at the H&HH

Mar 11, 2005 01:48

So, Stephanie Loredo threw pebbles at our window. That was awesome, so she came up. While she was here, she posed an interesting question: What is defined as a date?

So we pursued this idea with great fervor and consideration.

1) Anytime the guy (one of the persons) offers to pay for the girl. Well I guess, in a homosexual relationship, one person wouldn't necessarily pay for the other (how would you decide who pays?). So despite wanting to be politically correct, we'll save that discussion for another night.

2) Planned activities are dates, spontaneous are not necessarily.

3) Anytime one person sacrifices for the other (doing something they wouldn't normally do)

4) Continuing with #3, if a person does something with another that they would not do with any other person.

5) Walks are dates unless there is an objective to the walk (a reason for the walk besides the sake of walking).

6) Events in which two people go to without inviting other people. If they invite others and the others decline, it is not a date.

Dang it! Brian fell asleep, I haven't met any one else who can fall asleep so fast while the TV is on (and pretty loudly too). But he always stirs when I come in late from the studio. Go figure.

If anyone has anything else to add from experiences or otherwise, feel free.

Mae is coming to Austin for the South by Southwest music festival. Vanilla Ice will be here too. Ross said they are showing a sequel to Napoleon Dynamite at the film festival. I watched the Incredibles tonight at the Union. Great movie. Best Pixar movie ever. Well, I did like Toy Story when it came out, but this is probably still better.

Until next time, would yelling at a giant pink rabbit just be weird, or would it just be the "My Favorite Accident" by Motion City Soundtrack music video.
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