Apr 30, 2005 22:13
Seriously... that's just screwed up. Haha. Immensely and intensely, but did you doubt for a second that it could reach new levels? Of course not! Strangely enough... I'm terribly intrigued by this one... I want to learn everything I can about it. Observe and analyze... even be a part of this one as closely as possible while I still have the option. Sounds screwed up, I know... but it's what I've got, so I'll take it. At least before it's gone...
Omg... it's hilarious though. I mean it's freakin out of this world. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Really. :)
So why did I let myself think that this one was different, or why is this one different? What have I done? I never even thought to give that a second thought... that was just how it always was. But I mean when I went back and rethought everything else, cleared up everything and sorted through it all... somehow that just fell through the cracks again... Was that an accident or something more? Maybe that's not even important... but still I have to figure out what it really is then. And what the reasoning behind why I didn't stick to the truth and see that or see through this until just now has been for all these years... big stuff there.
And that's just one thing on the list to sort through. I've already checked off a view I guess. Or at least begun to. (began to? I dunno, grammar...) Ahh... and so it goes...
Wow. I just realized how long this year has been. I'm trying to remember the beginning of this school year... that alone feels like 3 lives have passed since... I mean, holy shit. Tracing back, even just month by month... if I try to week by week... this year has been like no other. Like no other... This is certainly one year I'll never forget in many ways that I was not expecting, on every level and in every sense I suppose.
And now look at where I am. Haha... everytime I do I can not help but laugh. You know what? It's gonna be ok. I mean I always know that, but right now is one of those moments where I can just really feel it. I mean it's really all going to work out. No matter how fucked up now, it's going to be fine. I think I might be happy. Ha, who'da thunk?
You know, I'm even smiling a little...
Wow. I'm so ready. Refreshed and rejuvenated. Finally there, or here rather. And still going. Always keep going... forever and always. Oh, wow. What an amazing ride... the ups bring you so high you have to look down just to see the sky, and the downs throw you so low that you can barely find the strength to lift your head just to breathe. But I held on and man was it worth it. And it'll be worth it... so amazing.
Well, I must say, I am quite excited for this next step. I expect that it will suck quite a bit, there will most likely be some stinging and burning, but I bet there's gonna be a hell of a lot more of the bright side than there has been in awhile. And now that's saying something. Quite a lot actually.
~Ok well I think that's about it for now... I'm gonna go listen to my Benny and think on my own a bit :)