Quick info

Feb 20, 2025 14:35

-She is taken from GSC  (subtle beta ideas in sprinkles) so her pokedex is old, her pokegear is old, and pokemon even from Hoenn are new to her.

-She is currently 15 years old and still hasn't gone through the league (neither has Gold or Crystal)

-She was raised in Newbark town by her adoptive mother since she was a baby, the two of them unaware of her origins of being related to Team Rocket until she went on her journey.

-She's been acquainted with Gold and Crystal all her life, but not quite friends with Gold (for awhile) who she found obnoxious.

-She went on her journey when she was 12 and picked Cyndaquil. Chikorita she saw no use in and Totodile was far too energetic for her. Cyndaquil, though rather timid, was just...'the lesser evil' of them all. (At the time)

-She had more of an intense rivalry with Gold because the two of them were battlers and Gold was spreading his name too fast and wide. Crystal she was only envious of her figure and bust.  "Flat as a pancake!" Gold would shout at her for three, bitter, long years until she finally grew some...but Crystal's got even bigger.

-But over the three years of their independence, Crystal being the level headed of the three, helped her become better friends with Gold as well as her. (Crystal more so)

-She has the Silver feather in her hair and generally likes to put things in her hair. Hair/head bands, a flower, clips, etc. The Silver feather has become most prominent/most frequently seen in her hair.

-All of her Pokemon are female. (PRIDE.)



Snivy -Island obtained
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