"This is so going in my blog!" - Barney from HIMYM

Jan 15, 2008 21:02

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! I was doing some computery stuff while half watching the first round auditions for American Idol. At the end of it, they showed the preview for the next round, in Dallas. I turned around to laugh at it all, when I saw, to my wonder and great horror, a former voice student I taught through UT Informal Classes. Let me tell you a bit about him.

He is the main reason I gave up the class, the gigantic shitastic straw that broke the camel's back. I had him as the last student in a block of six half hour lessons. The first day I asked him, before I heard him sing, why he was talking lessons and what he wanted to sing. He said, he was an great singer who wanted to sing all styles and all ranges. I said, great, lets warm up! He was possibly the worst singer I had ever heard, but that's ok, I was used to that. But, he kept interrupting me, wouldnt listen, was late to begin with, smelled horrible, and kept burping because he was gulping water. At the end of the lesson, I said I would see him next week, but try to come on time. Next week, he was very late, sweaty and out of breath from running there late. Then he of coursed swallowed an entire bottle of water so he burped again the whole time. He again sang horribly, interrupted, didnt listen and got nothing done. This happened at EVERY lesson. He was insane, gross, and delusional. He kept asking me to stay late since he was late, which I never would as it was the end of my day and I WAS ON TIME.

I never taught the class again.

Flash forward to this coming attraction. He is the guy blondish kinda chunky guy with glasses in Dallas who they have escorted out. When I saw it, I SCREAMED and backed up and played it again! You guys need to watch this dude, he is amazingly horrible and nuts. Then, you will know why I never taught UT informal classes again.

The end.
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