off again

Jan 17, 2006 08:56

back on tour, will be in nyc for the next 6 days. looks like i will be out and about almost half the year. which has its ups and downs, yes it will be nice to be touring, but at the same time you have such little life when touring when a theater production between the loading of the set, rehearsals and shows, there is very little time to relax or enjoy the city/cities you are in. not to mention since i am already on salary for the managing company i dont get paid shit for touring, except all my travel expenses.

in other news, I FUCKING FINALLY GOT A HOUSE!!! it is not in the area of town i wanted to live in:

midtown - young kids, hipsters and the like, mostly democratic or independent, older cooler homes
south tulsa - older folk, mostly republican, mostly baptist, mostly newer homes, chain restaurants

luckily tulsa is not that big and i can go to midtown whenever i so choose, but still, its not the same. i made this choice however because you can get so much MORE home for the money, i got a freaking two story house! with two living rooms! not bad for a first place of residence.

either way, thats all for now, time to start packing...again.
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