no time to say hello, goodbye! im late im late im late!

Feb 09, 2005 10:56

awwwwwww my lj friends missed me??? thats so sweet....::blush::

work. shower. out. work. shower. out. Sometimes I don't even know my name anymore. shaun?

My back really hurt yesterday, like knots the size of baseballs. A friend said they could come over to help, and sure enough, dropped in my lap a loritab and a muscle relaxer......friends like these dude, friends like these.

Needless to say, after a slight beer buzz, shaney went bye happy land. A land of flowers and music.....

I think I fell asleep at 8:30...yippeeee! But hey, my back didn't fact, I didn't even know i had a back at the moment, or fingers, or toes.....

I have successfully been eating one meal a day though, you know, its important to have a balanced diet. Besides, sometimes there aren't people around to talk to and this way I will always have my stomach, he is becoming quite a conversationalist.

I just edited a friends paper....haha, i haven't even looked at a paper in over 3 was a nice little stroll down memory lane trying to rework passive voice and thesis structure...cant WAIT to hear the grade.....ahem.

my boss called me in. "shane, we have over 30 hours of stock footage of this show, from three different performances, I need a completed production, 90 minutes long, on DVD in my hand by tuesday (yesterday)"

so, thats what i have been doing, staring closely at a screen and matching up audio and video from three performances, ever tried to match an audio track from one night to a video from another? hmmm? well let me tell you it is the most tedious thing i have done in my life. sometimes even cutting out single drum beats and replacing them to use as transitions...UGH, my eyes and brain hurt badly...someone kiss my brain?
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