Dec 16, 2004 12:05
Okay, one of the first and best of my lj friends is in the hospital squeezing out a little monster (hahaha, that sounds gross) and since she can only read these and not respond I get to say WHATEVER I WANT, muwhahahahaha. Actually, in these past....6 months? i have been on here she has given me advice, made me laugh, and with her sister changed my clouded impression of canadians, not to mention reading all the silly things i have written, which anyone should get a medal for.
anyhow, if anyone who is reading this is not taking a moment to personally wish her the best in whatever way you deem feasible, than you shall recieve a flogging, a right good one at that.
now for her personal enjoyment, some entertainment, i had an organ grinder and bought a monkey suit, but I realized that she doest live near me and had to return them, the grinder was pissed and called me a fargin icehole. at least i think thats what he said, silly russian organ grinders....
Top Ten Reasons Why the Gremlin is lucky:
10) They are being born in a country where anything is possible, where freedom and equality reign! Where a fucking asshole from Texas is bending all of america over and we aren't resisting.
9) Grem's middle name will not be moondust (I hope)
8) Grem's father will not call Grem "fatso"
7) Grem will know complete and utter unconditional love from Grem's parents who feel as lucky to have Grem as Grem feels had
6) Grem's mother will not be half as nuts as her grandmother
5) Grem will have strangers from across the country knowing intimate details about their life and wishing Grem the best in all they do.
4) Grem will have a cousin soon (hahaahaha, right sis?)
3) Grem will be introduced to the music of Tom Waits at a young age, just imagine if that had happened to you
2) Grem will have family in TWO countries ( I always wanted that )
and number one is......
1) with any luck and enough time around her friends and not her mom, Grem, hopefully will not say ABOOOOT.
hahahaha, hope you are well! GOOD LUCK PUTALI AND GREM!!!