
Feb 23, 2009 14:57

I've been feeling rather down with myself for a good week or so now, and I can't pin my finger on exactly why...

Its strange, my past few shifts at work I've been, I don't really wanna say 'getting bullied', but theres no other explination for it really.

The continiously slag me and dis me and call me shit that i know shouldnt get to me, but it does...

University is dawning a big shadow over me too. I have so much work to do its unreal, and only a few weeks to do it in. I want to work! I come into Uni early with the mind set of getting loads done, but when I sit down infront of a PC, I just doddle about and do fuck all.

I get stupidly paranoid about people and the way they think about me also. Don't know why, just do, I get it from my mum I geuss, she's the same.

Sucks being in Scotland really, Im so far away from my closest friends, and feel lonely when i read about awesome times they have all had together, or simply they have people over for a few drinks and a laugh, and Im sitting in my room on MSN, WoW or my Xbox.

Even my Scottish fur-friends im close too I havnt seen since RBW, which sucks. I complain about all this, but I know its mainly my fault for not giving myself enough free time or money to visit anyone.

I get myself so worked up and afraid its like Im back in the mind set of when I was smoking drugs a lot. Stupidly paranoid, afraid, and what not, when Ive been off it ever since me and Spunky got together (<3 love you so much hun)

So yeah...I dunno...

I have this complete mind set now too that I've said something to quite a few people, and its completely changed how they think about me as a friend and a generic person.

I need to stop rambling really

Going to go home and play some Street Fighter 4 and WoW

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