How to raise money in this economy?

Apr 08, 2009 19:23

Hello LJ Friends!

Many of you may have already read Fran's thank you letter...if not please's long but worth it.

You can also visit Fran's Website

We need to raise $4000 more dollars for the next and most promising round of treatment. I believe this is possible. I believe it will happen. It has to. The question is how?

Seriously....I know that we have a huge network and if we all continue to pull together ...and get other people we know inspired to help out we can do this. I know $4000 is a lot of money but spread out among our whole big homo loving community I know we can make this happen.

If you can donate I can't thank you enough...if you can't can you please share Fran's story with someone who might be able to...passing the word is also very valuable.  I believe in the power of our community.

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