Mar 06, 2009 02:17
Honestly, this is going to sound weird, maybe even pompous, but my emotions on this subject are more along the lines of bewilderment and anxiety. I wouldn't mention it except that it's happened at least twice.
Maybe I'm just too nice for my own good or something, but it would appear that I have the habit of finding myself sitting on people's pedestals. It's a lofty position, and I'm afraid of heights.
Perhaps this doesn't sound so bad, except that I am a human with serious flaws, and I have poor balance (in a metaphorical sense).
Basically what has happened is people find some sort of perfection in me, and when I can't meet their expectations, it's shattering. It happened with my last girlfriend (to the extreme), and an old friend of mine listed it among reasons I don't see him anymore.
I love my friends, and that probably means you, and I'll do a lot for you, but I don't want to hurt anyone. If I'm sitting somewhere on a high shelf, I ask that you move me lower to the ground so I don't fall so hard in your graces.
Honestly, that was a weird request for me. Don't you think that's a weird thing to ask someone to do? I feel sort of stupid.