St. David's Day

Mar 02, 2011 00:21

Nope, I didn't go out to one of the local pubs, or join the Chicago Welsh Tafia Society in harassing Channel 7 this year. Instead, it was a quiet day at home. So, I did some cleaning, did some writing (**shakes fist** New characters demanding to be born!), and did some home pcooking.

I wanted to make something Welsh, and I like lamb in things like Irish stew (I make a kick-ass simple Irish stew), so I decided to try a lamb cawl (a Welsh stew). I saw like four different recipes, including ones using beef, etc. so this is what I made.

I also wanted to make it low carb, so I cut the potatoes (sacrilege!).

1 pound of lamb necks for stew
4 parsnips
2 carrots
3 large bunches of leeks
3 big punches of dried thyme
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

I put the pound of lamb, bones and all, in the dutch oven and.covered it with water. I started the water to boiling as I peeled and chopped up the parsnips and carrots in 1/2 inch chunks. Added a bit more water and the thyme. I then sliced up all of the leeks in 1/4 inch strips lengthwise and added enough water to be just under the leeks. I put the lid on and watched for the water to start boiling. Once it began boiling I lowered the flame to a slow simmer and let it cook for five hours, stirring the pot to keep it from sticking and adding water as necessary. The meat will fall off the bone and even the grizzle will be soft and tasty. Before serving I add the salt and pepper so you will use less because you didn't diminish the spice by boiling it. The simple flavors are wonderful together and soothing.

While it was cooking, it was determined we needed biscuits. I didn't want to leave the house, so I decided to make some.from scratch. I was short ingredients - like buttermilk - and wanted something simple and healthy: not a lot of extra grease, salt, etc. I came up with my own recipe. (I will take suggestions for a name for these biscuits.)

2 cups of flour
2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 cup of salted butter (softened)
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of sour cream

I combined the flour, salt, and baking powder with the softened butter, combining it (I just puse my hands) until it looks and acts like bread crumbs. I then add the milk and sour cream and work it together until it becomes one bug ball of dough. Preheat the oven to 425-degrees. Make into palm size drop biscuit shapes (makes eight good size biscuits), and put onto an ungreased pan. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

I did have a problem that somehow the oven got turned off in the middle of baking, and each oven is different, so watch them the first time you make them. There is no overpowering flavor, but they make the other foods POP - be it stew or strawberry preserves.

Questions? Thoughts? More recipes?

Posted via LjBeetle


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