Drabble - In A Hub Far, Far Away...

Jan 20, 2011 20:59

Title: In A Hub Far, Far Away...
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: If you don't know what Jack and Ianto get up to...
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Author's Note: Show and Tell! Picture at the end, might be NSFL (Not Safe For Libraries). I saw the picture and HAD to write this. (Not sure where the picture originated from...)

In A Hub Far, Far Away...


“Please Ianto.”

“There is no way you are sticking that in any of my orifices.”

“You could use it on me.”


“Don’t you want me to ‘feel the force’ when you run your tongue around my-”

Ianto slammed the stack of files he had been carrying onto Jack’s desk. He picked up the “toy” Jack had bought that day, scowling at it. He was all for being avant garde, but there was something so wrong about this.

Jack leered at him across the desk. “I could put on the Princess Leia bikini if that helps?”


pics, torchwood, drabble, jack harkness, ianto jones

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