So you crossplay?

May 20, 2010 20:49

After ACEN last weekend and knocking out another interview for Worlds United: From Gettysburg to Neo Tokyo to Vulcan, the book and documentary I am putting together on cosplay, something else came to my mind, the world of crossplay. How many Sailor Scouts do we see that are men? How many women cosplay Captain Jack Harkness? This raised more questions in my head and I would like to get some feedback from folks. I want to represent this fairly, and this questionnaire is just a start. I will probably use the statistics in the book, but only I will see who answered what to the poll, but if you wouldn't mind me contacting you more in depth, please leave a comment.

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Crossplay Cosplay as a character of opposite gender.

Poll Crossplay Questions

If you do not have an LJ account, drop me a line at and I can send you this firm via email.

writing, cosplay

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