Title: With Some Chocolate On The Side
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: Jack goes to excess and pays the consequences... Poor Owen...
Author's Notes: Written for the
tw_lucky_7 prompt of "Gluttony." Does it get me extra points that I am posting this in a Dunkin Donuts
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Comments 25
Oh Jack... He needs some Ianto TLC
yeah, I know what you mean on posting, in some past weeks I've posted after the next week's sin is out and justified it to myself by saying "It's still Sat. where I am!" also, friending you
Yeah, I was trying to rush, and trying to rush probably got me the cut on my hand. I was trying to unscrew a 1950's lightboard from under a 1930's stretcher and someone the metal cut me, but I didn't realize it at the time. Gotta love theatre!
Okay, we really need to stop this mental coordination here! It's scary how many similarities we keep ending up with :-P
That said -- excellent job!! Very rich in description! OMG you made *ME* hungry (and I just ate some of my own homemade cookies) describing those donuts. ROFL at Owen getting covered in puke!
Quit tapping into my subconscious!
Really cool that I got you hungry again. **insert evil grin**
Poor Owen...
That las line is priceless, I can just see Owens face at hearing Ianto say that hee hee
I know, I was mean to Owen...
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