Icon Meme

Feb 01, 2010 02:53

Okay, Meme Time, this one's from robling_t:

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

She thought these were interesting:

I took a screenshot from the "Shakespeare Code" episode of Doctor Who, and I love The Doctor's little smirk so much. While in photoshop,I made it Black and White and altered the lighting slightly. I do like David Tennant in B/W, it looks good on him. To me it seems like he has this secret, akin to "Oh, if you only knew what I know..."

I have made this one in both color and black/white. This comes from a screenshot from "They Keep Killing Suzie" from Torchwood. I like how Jack seems to be thinking, but you can almost see the hamster spinning it's wheel at warp speed inside his head. I had to play with coloring and lightened it up a bit in photoshop because a lot of Torchwood screenshots come out pretty dark.

Another good B/W one of David Tennant made by me. Screenshot came from the "Shakespeare Code" of Doctor Who. It reflects my reaction to some things; instead of facepalming, I will usually just rub my eyes in that "oh Lord" manor that The Doctor does.

Screenshot is from Torchwood. I cannot remember what episode at the moment. I was looking for writing pictures since I am a writer. Ianto looks so serious at taking his notes, just like I do when I get a bunny and need to write it down. This also became a serialized photo story on my journal called Ianto's List that took on a life of it's own. Maybe ne day it might come back, or something like that.

This was one of the first icons I made, and the first I uploaded to Livejournal I do believe. It comes from a screenshot of the >i>Torchwood episode of "Everything Changes" (I do believe). This wa sone I did not have to play around with too much, except for cropping. I love Owen's look in this shot, his concentration and how intense the eyes are, how much he is paying attention to what is going on, it is akin to a more modern "The Thinker."

Now, your turn...

meme, icons

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