My head hurts

Sep 15, 2009 18:35

Okay, wrapping my head around stuff, makes it hurt. Just because you turn on your turn signal does not mean I am letting you in, especially when you are an inch from my bumper. At least they used a turn signal. **Sigh**

The other headache, Torchwood's timeline. I am treating canon as CANON in my story, but apparently they have already broken the laws of time and space. S2 is 2009, there are DATES GIVEN in dialogue that say it is 2009. But if we treat the radio plays as canon, too, then the whole thing in "Lost Souls" happened in 2008, after Tosh and Owen died in 2009, before the other radio plays, before the Earth and 26 other planetoids were stolen by the Daleks, and still have "Children of Earth" occur in early Fall 2009.

WHAT?!?!? HOW?!?!? OI! Help....

sci-fi big bang, timelines

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