Title: Flower of Asgard
Series: Avengers
Characters: Toni Stark, Thor
Warnings: None
Rating: NC-17 for the Prologue/R for other chapters
Crossover: None
Word Count: 510
paxieamorSummary: Avengers assembled may understand each other more than they think.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to
paxieamor, who inspired me to finally write an Avengers story, and for letting me play in her "Lady Iron of SHIELD" Universe.
Flower of Asgard
Toni was wearing simple workout clothes as she came back inside after her run. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was walking down the hallway on the first floor, headed for her workshop, when she heard Thor's distinct voice come from his room.
"If Clinton moved Toni again, he will regret it."
Toni peeked around the doorjamb and stared at Thor. She blinked a couple of times and decided to bite the bullet.
"Yo, right here buddy." She gave Thor a little wave of her hand.
"I see that. Anything you need assistance with Maiden?"
She resisted the urge to snap at Thor for calling her 'Maiden' and went with her usual up front, no filter plan of attack.
"Sorry, couldn't help but overhear..." She sauntered into Thor's room like she owned the place. Hell, she did own the place. "You were muttering about making Clint regret it if he moved Toni again. Now, I'm all for getting back at Clint, but I'm right here."
Thor stared at her a moment, and then started to chuckle. "No, no, I meant--" He looked behind Toni at the door.
She twirled around, dropping the closed water bottle, expecting to be attacked. Instead, she saw nothing unusual except the door she had partially closed behind her, and some fabric between the wall and door. Toni stooped to pick it up and was surprised to see it had shape, in the design of a hot rod red, plushie, flower. With a smiley face.
"Thor? Do I want to know what this is?"
"That is Toni the Flower."
"Toni the... Thor, why do you have a flower named after me?"
Thor moved closer to her, towering over Toni. He gently plucked the flower from her hand. "Because, Toni of Stark, daughter of Howard, you can be quite incorrigible. I notice when you have days you don't even talk to the Captain about. Days you shut us all out. On those days, I give Toni the Flower a big hug because I know if I tried to give you a hug, I would be riding a rocket back to Asgard before I could swing Mjollnir down."
Toni stood stock still, staring at Thor, her mouth agape. She knew he meant well, but at the core, this was... She closed her mouth. It was sweet of him, and he cared. Before she could change her mind, Toni patted him on the arm.
"Really Thor, what's up with the smiley face?"
"You look good when you smile." He in turn smirked at her.
"I don't smile." Toni glanced up at him, a smile on her face. "And if you tell anyone that, I will have Jarvis shorn you of every hair on your body and Clint will have new featherings on his arrows before you even realise what has happened."
Thor raised an eyebrow, watching Toni scoop up her water bottle and exit the bedroom.
"And Thor," she said over her shoulder. "Thanks for the hugs."