Fic - Violated (Chapter 9)

Oct 23, 2011 19:08

Title: Violated
Author: Carole B.
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, PC Andy Davidson, Owen Harper
Pairings: Ianto/Jack, Owen/Other
Gen/Het/Slash: Het, Slash
Warnings: Torture, Forced Sex, Violence, Language
Rating: R/NC-17 for the Prologue
Crossover: None
Word Count: 15,600
Beta: Time Hound
Summary: A serial killer has been flouncing around Cardiff, using the name Jack Harkness. When the team starts investigating the murders, they have doubt whether it is really Jack or not. To their shock, they find out it is someone really close to them, someone who shouldn’t exist.
Author’s Notes: Written for the 2011 tw-bigbang. Big thank you to my awesome artist hollymarchosias. Thanks to my friends who pushed this to get down, and thanks to Liz who gave me last minute line changes. The Prologue is very dark and graphic - if you wish you can skip over the Prologue and start with Chapter 1.


Artwork by hollymarchosias

Chapter 9

Ianto let out a yawn, feeling it in his eyes as they watered. Too many late nights these past couple of days. Although, it wasn’t like he could actually sleep. Whenever he did manage to get some rest, his mind tormented him with memories of Owen and Toshiko.

Slumping into the little kitchen, Ianto started making a coffee for himself. He figured Jack would already be up and pulled the Captain’s mug from the shelf above him. He found himself staring at the espresso shots as they poured out of the machine. Watching the blackness swirl underneath the light foam, he just stared, not moving. Ianto finally picked up the espresso glasses, and they were cool to the touch. He dumped them in the sink and started pulling another set of shots. This time he made the coffee properly, and even remembered to not oversteam the milk. He had to stop letting the new information bother him so badly he got this distracted.

Grabbing both his mug and Jack’s, he headed straight for Jack’s office. The door was closed. Balancing both cups in one hand, Ianto knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again and then slowly opened the door.


Ianto peeked his head in and there was no one in the room. No one to say hello to, and no one to throw a stapler at his head - although, that was only once, and it had been Owen, who claimed it was an accident. Opting to not intrude on Jack’s personal space - if he was actually sleeping, let him rest - Ianto snuck in and left the mug of coffee on the corner of Jack’s desk.

Hurrying out of the office, Ianto closed the door behind him and headed for his work station, He was not looking forward to telling the others what he had found out. Taking a sip of the coffee, Ianto started perusing the social media, using keywords from the investigation to see if anyone had mentioned seeing “Jack” on the prowl. The cog door rolled open, the lights above it flashing. Ianto glanced up, expecting to see Gwen.

“What happened to you?” Ianto asked as he got up and dashed over to Jack, who just pushed him away.

“I had a run in with something. Not sure if its related to Owen or not.”

Ianto stood back. “What do you mean you had a run in? There’s dried blood on your-”

“I’m fine. I always am, aren’t I?”

“I wonder sometimes.”

Jack turned on him, his eyes staring at Ianto, almost through him. “You do?”

“Believe it or not Jack, I care about you.”

“And is that why you were so quick to think of me as a murderer?”

“I had to make sure-” Ianto started chasing after Jack as he took off for his office. “Where are you going?”

Jack turned on his heel, jabbing his index finger into Ianto’s chest. “I don’t care what you have to say. We need to make sure we catch this killer before anyone else gets murdered.”

Not backing away, Ianto stood firm. Grabbing Jack’s hand with his, he lowered the arm towards the ground. “What would you have done? Would you have confronted me or snuck around behind my back? It’s not like none of us have secrets. Plus, with everything we deal with here I had to make sure it was you and not some shapeshifter or alien embedded in your brain first.”


“Now, is the thing that got you handcuffed in the SUV, or did it get away?”

“I don’t know what it was exactly, and its gone. But I have an idea. And if it’s what I think it is…”

“End of the world?”

“Not quite.”

“Thank God for small favors.”

Jack let out a small harrumph and pulled away from Ianto, slipping his coat off. “I know I put two bullets into it and it still walked away without leaving a trail of blood or goo.”

“That’s not right.”

“You think?”

Jack rolled up his sleeves as he took the chair by Toshiko’s old desk. He glanced at the picture of Tosh and Owen that Gwen had left up. He brought the secondary monitor to life and Ianto could see that he was pulling up Rift recordings from around Turnmill from the last several hours.

“What was it?” Ianto moved behind Jack, watching him.

“I don’t know.”

“How do you not know?”

“It surprised me. Next thing I knew I was waking up in the SUV, my gun out and blood on me. But I did detect…”

Ianto looked over Jack’s shoulder, peering at the readout. “Theron radiation? Isn’t that what Gwen found at the last murder site?”

“Exactly. Very few species use it. It’s not a good radiation.”

“Good radiation?”

“There’s this group of monks who perfected low level radiation showers. It does wonders for the skin.”

“The botox of the future?”

“I never thought of it that way. Anyway, only two species would use this kind of radiation in their alloys, and one of the species is extinct. Their sun went supernova a millennium ago.” Jack swivvelled the chair around, raising his face to Ianto. “At least we have something to work with now, albeit it gave me a nasty headache for a while there.”

“We have something else, Jack.”


“I did some digging, went to a couple of Owen’s old haunts.”

“Ianto, you shouldn’t have done that.”

“And what should I have done? Stayed at my flat watching X-Factor?”

“What did you find?”

Ianto pushed past Jack, and typed in a couple of commands, pulling up the photos of each of the four murder victims. “Dark eyes, long dark hair, Asian features, all under 5’7”, are you noticing a pattern?” Ianto found himself looking at the picture of Owen and Tosh. He noticed Jack’s eyes following the direction of his gaze.


They both looked up as Gwen shuffled in, looking like she hadn’t slept either. She looked at them, and Ianto could see her eyes were bloodshot. Gwen blinked as the tears fell down her cheeks. She dropped her bag to the sofa and stumbled over by them. Jack stood, holding her up by the arms.

“What happened?” Jack asked.

“Rhona called me, from the police. Andy’s gone missing.”

“Missing? How can he have gone missing?”

“He was on shift. No one partnered with him - apparently the sergeant on duty gave him grief because I was there earlier trying to find out more information on the case - and he went out on patrol alone. He never checked back in. All they found was his notebook in an alley behind Tyndall Street, but no sign of Andy. The last time he checked in with the station was 11:15 last night.”

“Andy was the only one working with us instead of against us,” Ianto chimed in.

Gwen collapsed into Jack’s chest, her hands pressed against her face as she started crying even more. “It’s our fault, isn’t it?”

“We don’t know that,” Jack said, hugging her.

Jack looked back over his shoulder, nodding at Ianto. Ianto nodded back and headed over to his workstation, pulling up information on the area Andy was last seen in. Ianto noticed how it fit the perfect location for the murders - no CCTV, not as traversed, less people to ask questions - which is why Andy had probably been checking it out. He hurried to the armoury, grabbing some weapons and a scanner. Ianto took the long way back and grabbed some pills from autopsy. Back upstairs Jack settled Gwen down on the sofa. He handed Jack the pills, who gave them to Gwen. She just stared at them in her hand as Ianto grabbed up Jack’s coat.

“What am I supposed to do with these?”

“Take them. Ianto and I will check out the site.”

“I’m going with you Jack!”

“No. You’re not.”

“Andy’s my friend-”

“Which is why you’re staying here.”

“But I should be the one out there.”

“Think of it this way Gwen,” Ianto said as he handed Jack extra bullets for his Webley. “When Owen comes for Jack and I, you’ll still be here, able to rescue all three of us.”

Gwen slumped back into the sofa, letting out a deep breath. “Just make sure it doesn’t come to that.”

“We’ll try,” Jack said, grabbing his coat from Ianto’s hands and heading for the cog door.


pc andy, torchwood, jack harkness, gwen cooper, owen harper, fic, torchwood big bang, ianto jones

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