Fic - Violated (Chapter 7)

Oct 23, 2011 18:43

Title: Violated
Author: Carole B.
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, PC Andy Davidson, Owen Harper
Pairings: Ianto/Jack, Owen/Other
Gen/Het/Slash: Het, Slash
Warnings: Torture, Forced Sex, Violence, Language
Rating: R/NC-17 for the Prologue
Crossover: None
Word Count: 15,600
Beta: Time Hound
Summary: A serial killer has been flouncing around Cardiff, using the name Jack Harkness. When the team starts investigating the murders, they have doubt whether it is really Jack or not. To their shock, they find out it is someone really close to them, someone who shouldn’t exist.
Author’s Notes: Written for the 2011 tw-bigbang. Big thank you to my awesome artist hollymarchosias. Thanks to my friends who pushed this to get down, and thanks to Liz who gave me last minute line changes. The Prologue is very dark and graphic - if you wish you can skip over the Prologue and start with Chapter 1.


Artwork by hollymarchosias

Chapter 7

Ianto couldn’t sleep, who was Jack kidding. Sure, he had attempted to go home, but the minute he walked in the door he didn’t feel like he belonged in his own bed, or was it he didn’t feel like he belonged in his own bed alone? They had been quick to judge Jack and that hadn’t been right, but damn it, the man was so… Ianto knew the man had secrets he would probably never tell him - that was his choice, but Ianto wondered if it was because Jack didn’t want to let him in completely, or if he was afraid of how Ianto would judge him. Today certainly didn’t help.

Ianto ran a hand along his jeans as he sat in the club. He toyed with the necklace around his neck while he scanned the room. This had been one of Owen’s haunts back in the day, and he could see why. A troll could score with some of these women. He turned back to his whiskey.

“Find anything you like yet?” a masculine voice whispered in his ear to be heard over the pounding music.

Amend that, a troll could score with some of these women and men. He turned back to the drunk redhead and gave him a sweet smile. “I did. He’s waiting for me at home.”

“He’s at home and you’re here.” The man smiled back at him.

Ianto let out a sigh. “Sorry, not my type,” he replied.

“I can be your type,” the man slurred as he put a hand on Ianto’s arse.

Ianto fought the urge to punch the man’s lights out, but instead, deftly untangled himself and dodged his way to the other end of the bar. He slumped over the bartop wondering if this had been a good idea. Ianto looked up as a glass was placed in front of him with fresh whiskey in it. The bartender smiled at him, a strand of blonde hair falling across her face.

“Sorry about Dave, I don’t think he quite gets the subtle nuances of flirting,” she replied. Ianto pulled out his wallet to pay her, but she held up a hand. “You didn’t cause a scene, makes it easier for me, and you lost your drink. It’s on the house.”

“Thanks,” Ianto muttered as he slipped a picture of him and Owen out of his wallet. “I was wondering, have you seen this guy lately?” he asked, showing the bartender the picture.

She looked at the picture and then at him. “You police?”

“No. Just a worried friend,” Ianto replied. He was. More than he would ever admit to anyone, even Jack.

“I hadn’t seen him for a bit, was wondering what happened to him, but then all of a sudden he came in last Thursday.” She chuckled. “He was true to form all right, back one day and already leaving with a girl.”

“Can you describe the girl?”

“Oh, about 5’6” with long dark hair. Very pretty looking if I do say so myself. Exquisite features, like Asian or something.”

“Was she a regular?”

“Nope, can’t recall seeing her before. All I know is when he saw her he made a beeline straight for her like they were old friends.”

“Thanks,” Ianto said, downing the rest of his drink, wincing slightly. He threw a fiver down and hurried out of the club. Leaning up against the cool, brick wall he dared to breathe again. It was Owen, it had to be, but his mind didn’t want to accept it. It had finally accepted that Owen was dead, and now he’s alive and a raving murderer? And to top it all off-

He moved away from the wall as a couple popped out of the club and started snogging, rolling towards him in each other’s arms. Ianto started walking towards home. His mind flashed on the crime scene photos and the description of each of the four girls murdered. Then he processed what the bartender had told him. Each victim had a specific look about them: they were each under 5’7”, long dark hair, Asian features, dark eyes… Toshiko.

Slamming the door to his flat shut, Ianto fell back against it as he legs wanted to give out. Owen Harper had come back from the dead, again, and was raping and murdering girls who looked like Toshiko Sato. Ianto shook his head. Not even their lives should be this complicated. He fumbled in his pocket for the mobile and started dialing Jack’s number but stopped before he could hit the ‘call’ button. He had no proof, all he had was circumstantial evidence. Pretty damn good circumstantial evidence, but still, he would wait on calling Jack.

Kicking off his shoes, Ianto didn’t even bother to untie them. He tore off his shirt as he walked down the hall towards the bedroom. Undoing his belt, he dropped his jeans to the floor. His mind was whirling away a thousand miles a minute. Comfortable in just his socks, undershirt and boxers, Ianto grabbed his laptop from the bedside table and headed into the kitchen. Like hell he was sleeping tonight, no matter what Jack said.

Brewing a fresh pot of coffee in the press, Ianto opened his laptop and pulled up the police reports again. There had to have been something they missed. He also hacked into Mainframe and started a search for theron radiation. If it was really Owen, this would tear them apart worse than his death had done.


pc andy, torchwood, jack harkness, gwen cooper, owen harper, fic, torchwood big bang, ianto jones

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