Dec 03, 2004 23:15
so tonight i was seriously bored so i decided to jack bovs servey from her lj
a - age: 15
b - bands listening to right now: The Killers
c - career of the future: Architecut
d - dad's name: Fred
e - ethnic background: Italian, Irish, Lithuanian, German, Dutch, don't know the rest
f - favorite song at the moment: Let Me In
g - great escape: My room by myself
h - hometown: Verplanck
i - instrument: nada
j - job title: work at little sorrento's and piazza roma
k - kids: they get on my nerves not really sure if i want any
l - last person you talked to on the phone: Pip
m - mom's name: Ciny
n - number of siblings: 3
o - oldest sibling: me
p - phobia[s] / fear[s]: snakes, spiders
q - favorite quote: "often the test of courage is not to die but to live"
s - song you sang last: True
t - time you wake up: 6:15 on school day 11:00 on weekend
u - unkown facts about me: i'm afraid to let people know the real me
v - vegetable you hate: brocolli
w - worst habit: biting my nails
x - x-rays you've had: both wrists, both ankles, neck, back, right shoulder
y - yummy food: macarroni and cheese
z - zodiac sign: pisces