Sawyer and Charlotte sitting in a tree...

Feb 08, 2008 00:10

This episode really didn't advance much and really just raised more questions than answers:

1. Matthew Fox is the hottest man alive and Jack is the hottest TV character EVER. Or he will be until I see a new episode of FNL tomorrow and then it'll be Taylor Kitsch/Tim Riggins. Then next Tuesday, the title will go back to Foxy/Jack. Hee. But seriously, how Kate refrains herself from jumping that man is beyond me. Thank goodness for third-wheel-Freighter-people or those two would be re-populating the island themselves... or so it goes in my head... ;)

2. I'm really starting to wonder if the "time" issue is going to be a bigger deal than they are making it out to be right now. It would help them explain why Walt is so much older... and I wonder when/if any of the Oceanic 6 return to the island, what if less or more time has passed on the island? Wouldn't that be WILD?

Speaking of returning to the island, I often wonder about the Lost movie that Darlton wants to make. Will it ever get made and if so, what will it be about? Since I personally believe that some of the Oceanic 6 (okay, mainly Jack/Kate) will return to the island, I can see the movie being about the Losties living on the island as The Others did. And protecting the island when people crash there or are brought there for whatever reason. When Jack did to the Freighter people what Tom did to him, couldn't you TOTALLY see this scenerio playing out in the future? Hee. Speaking of...

3. I loved the scene that played homage to the one from The Hunting Party. Perfection. And Kate pouting because Jack didn't tell her that Juliet and Sayid were there? And Jack telling her that he winked at her... LOL! I love that we have these two back. Seriously.

4. What's strange to me is how much I love Lost when Jack and Kate are "okay" and "together." I just love watching them run through the jungle, fighting crime or whatever. I'm not even really needing any kind of romantic relationship between them right now - they just need to be in the same scene, interacting, without all the triangle drama. (TPTB, this includes any kind of Kate/Jack/Juliet triangle, okay? Just... don't.) I hope TPTB see how much the triangle ruins the show and how much... better Jack and Kate are together and how they enhance the show. Just Jack grabbing her wrist or Jack winking at her is a thousand times better than any Skate sex they could come with.

5. Why is Ben so obsessed with the Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle? Seriously, WTF? I mean, I got why he was before since he used Kate and Sawyer to get Jack to do his surgery. But why does he even care anymore? Some people have mentioned the Adam and Eve theory, which I like, but then again I'm a Jater. I don't want to be too narrow minded so any other thoughts/ideas would be great.

6. Tonight I was like "Oh, they want Ben. Great. Who the hell cares?!? How do my Losties get off the island??!?"

7. I know this is so wrong but I think Charlotte would be great for Sawyer. I really do like Sawyer with strong women. Just another example of how badly TPTB screwed up this triangle and why I want Kate far away from Sawyer.

8. Finally, why did they fake the crash of the plane into the ocean, killing everyone? Pure speculation here but I'm guessing it has to do with the "lying" Jack talks about to Kate in their FF.

I really can't wait for episode 4. I think it's really going to blow everyone's minds. Or at least those that don't read spoilers. I think a lot of questions from the Jate FF will be answered... unfortunately, I think it's also going to raise more questions. Bastards. ;)

lost, jate

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